Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sunshine Blogger Award



Sunshine Blogger Award is an award designed to get a blogger out of his or her comfort zone.  It is an honor bestowed by one fellow blogger on another blogger, and gets the fellow blogger to answer some questions that the first blogger created.  Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy picked me as one of the honorees.  Thanks, Rachel.  I always like to answer these kinds of questions.  

Then I have  to come up with my own set of questions.  Which takes some effort to find a theme, but they come easy when I finally find one. The "out of comfort zone" I mentioned is having to come up my own set of nominees for the award. I have an aversion to this, mainly because of the "chain mail" sense it gives me. As usual, I will skip this and just say "anyone who wants to can try their hand at the questions and claim me as their nominator. 

The rules, as stated, are as follows:

  • Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog. 
  • Thank the person who nominated you. 
  • Provide a link to your nominator’s blog. 
  • Answer your nominator’s questions. 
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers. 
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions. 
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

1.  What was the first movie you have memory of watching?

In the theater? Probably Bedknobs and Broomsticks was one of the first, but I really don't remember it.  Since I don't really remember most of the ones I saw as a youngster, the one I really remember vividly seeing was going to the drive-in (of course) with family to see The Golden Voyage of Sinbad. I must have been 12.

2.  Have you ever written a fan letter to a celebrity? (If so, did you get a response?)

Not to a film celebrity, but I wrote a fan letter to Bill Pronzini (a mystery author), trying to get a line on the nom de plumes under which he had been published. Not only did I get a response, he sent me a 7 or 8 page printout of all the stuff he had done up to that point. Thanks, Bill.  Still remember that honor some 35 years later.

3. What are the three funniest movies you've ever seen?

Blazing Saddles

Arsenic and Old Lace

This is Spinal Tap

4. What movie do you really want to change the ending of?

This is a tough question, because movies I like I don't want to change and movies I don't like, I don't really care.  But the ending of Taps always didn't set well with me, although I liked it up until the final ending.

5.  What movie do you wish had a sequel, but it doesn't?

This one is easy.  It even had the promise of said sequel in the end credits. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension The promised sequel, "Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League" virtually guaranteed we'd find out more about Hanoi Xan, a character that was hinted at during the first movie but never introduced,


6. Who were your favorite actor and actress  when you were a teen?

Already stated numerous times that my favorite actor was John Wayne.  Favorite actress? Probably Goldie Hawn.


7. Who are your favorite actor and actress now?

If you mean still active, probably Sly and Sigourney Weaver.


8. Does anyone else in your family love movies?

Well my sister and I have entirely different tastes in movies, but she DOES like movies.

9.  If you could pick an actor/actress to play you in a movie who would you choose?

Begs the question: Me now or me as a younger person?  If  he were playing me at 60 I'd pick someone who could pull off the cynical without being annoying at it (which I like to think I am).  Somebody like Jason Alexander (although he would have to slim down a bit.) And wear a toupee since i am not balding...


10.  Do you ever watch a movie in the theater more than once?

Only did that once. I saw An American Werewolf in London once a week for every week it was in the theater (as I recall, 4 times).


11. Are there any movies coming out in 2024 that you are looking forward to?

I heard there is another installment in the Lethal Weapon franchise forthcoming, although maybe not until next year. And Marvel is going to pair Deadpool and Wolverine in one film, due to be released this summer.

Now for the questions I came up with: Since I am doing an ongoing Marvel Cinematic Universe series of reviews I chose superheroes as a theme..


1. Here's a basic one: Marvel or DC? And why did you pick that option?

2  Along those lines: Who is the best Marvel comics superhero?

3. And who is the best DC superhero?

4. If you were a superhero, what would be your super power(s)?

5. If you were a superhero, would you have a sidekick or would you go solo?

5. Every superhero has a weakness.  Be honest. What's your?

7. You are asked to join a superhero team. Honor, or No, thanks?

8. Your super nemesis: What is his or her main attribute?

9. What is your favorite superhero movie? Why?

10. And what is your least favorite? Why?

11. What superhero from the comics is overdue for his or her own movie?

As I said, I have an aversion to tagging people, so feel free to consider yourself tagged if you want it, or don't.  That way no one is obligated or hurt by the picking.




  1. Oh, wow! What a cool answer to a fan letter! The first fan letter I ever wrote was also to an author, when I was probably 12 or 13 -- and she wrote me back, too!

    My brother and I are like a Venn diagram when it comes to movies. We both love quite a few things -- but he really doesn't care for westerns, and he likes more comedies than I do.

    I love your questions, so I'm going to answer them here!

    1. Here's a basic one: Marvel or DC? And why did you pick that option?

    Marvel, because most of the superheroes I love are from Marvel.

    2 Along those lines: Who is the best Marvel comics superhero?

    Wolverine. Who is also my favorite.

    3. And who is the best DC superhero?

    Superman is the best, but Robin is my favorite.

    4. If you were a superhero, what would be your super power(s)?

    I'd like to be able to calm people down. Just take their annoyance or anxiety or aggravation or anger down a couple of notches.

    5. If you were a superhero, would you have a sidekick or would you go solo?

    I would probably be a sidekick myself.

    6. Every superhero has a weakness. Be honest. What's your?

    How thin my patience wears when I am tired? Or possibly bookstores -- I have a hard time saying no to a bookstore.

    7. You are asked to join a superhero team. Honor, or No, thanks?

    Well, it really depends on who else is on the team, doesn't it?

    8. Your super nemesis: What is his or her main attribute?

    A determination to turn all vegetables into potatoes.

    9. What is your favorite superhero movie? Why?

    The Avengers (2012) because it has no wasted space or talent. It is a shining jewel of perfection.

    10. And what is your least favorite? Why?

    So... The Dark Knight makes me really sad and angry because we basically lost Heath Ledger because of it.

    11. What superhero from the comics is overdue for his or her own movie?

    Jubilee and Gambit both.

    1. Thanks for reading. Obviously my favorites are Marvel, too. And I think Sub-Mariner is one of the most neglected in the Marvel pantheon. (Perhaps he doesn't get one because he is too close to his rival DC character, Aquaman...


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