Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Legends of Western Cinema Week 2023 Tag



 My favorite John Wayne movie is El Dorado so many of these answers naturally come from that movie.  No apologies, just saying.

The LOWCW 2023 Tag

  • Stetson -- a favorite hero moment (i.e. highlighting their character and/or making a pivotal decision, etc) : El Dorado: When Cole Thornton (John Wayne) tells Bart Jason (Ed Asner) that he is declining the job offer, Thornton exhibits some moral values that the rest of Jason;s mean might have a hard time finding.
  • Petticoat -- a favorite heroine moment (ditto): True Grit: Even though I don't like her as a person (she's far too opinionated, and as one character intimated she needs a good spanking), I do like the way she deals with the horse trader (Strother Martin).
  • Canteen -- a favorite scene with a leader/mentor: Back to El Dorado: The scene where Mississipi (James Caan) and Thornton have a give and go about Mississippi's inability to shoot a gun early on in the film.
  • Gloves -- a favorite sidekick/friend scene: El Dorado (again): Any scene with J. P. Harrah (Robert Mitchum) or Bull (Arthur Hunnicut)
  • Canyon -- a favorite western landscape: Any of the movies that feature Monument valley, of course.
  • Pistol -- a favorite fight scene: When Mississippi faces off with the guy who killed his mentor in El Dorado. I sometimes just stick that movie in the DVD player just to watch that scene. (Only one of the characters has a pistol, though... and it's not Mississippi.)
  • Saddle -- a favorite horse / animal in a western: OK, not in keeping with the theme, but I love the scene where Mongo decks the horse in Blazing Saddles. That was one great stunt horse.
  • Sky -- a favorite ambitious / crazy plan in a western: 
  • Rifle -- a favorite scene with an antagonist: "Fill your hands you sonofab****!" (Nuff said)
  • Chuckwagon -- a favorite meal scene: Back to Blazing Saddles. Anybody want more beans?
  • Badge -- a favorite scene with peace officers / sheriff: A nod to one of my other favorite actors, Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp in Tombstone.
  • Lariat -- a favorite cattle drive /roundup: The Cowboys


  1. El Dorado's high on by TBW list (can't believe I haven't seen it already). & Blazing Saddles & True Grit (certain eminently re-watchable scenes anyway) are my husband's favorite westerns, so we definitely revisit those quite a bit. Thanks for joining in LOWCW !

    1. You haven't seen El Dorado? Get thee to a DVD player. Mitchum is a much better drunk sheriff than Martin in my opinion.

  2. El Dorado was one of my top favorite John Wayne movies when I was a teen, but then I didn't own a copy of it for a lot of years, and even now that I do, it's been some time since I rewatched it. Your mentions of it here have alerted me to the fact that It Is Time, and I suspect I'll be pulling it off the shelf next time I have a chance to watch a movie.

    I much prefer the newer version of True Grit because Mattie Ross is NOT gratingly obnoxious in it.

    Tombstone and everyone in it just exude effortless cool. So good.

    Fun answers! Thanks for playing :-)

    1. El Dorado will always be a top 5 Wayne movie for me. I have yet to see one to knock it out of the top slot, but there are still some I haven't seen...

      Hailee was a better Mattie. I agree.

    2. BTW, I tagged you with the Sunshine Blogger Award! Play if you want to :-)

  3. I'm not a huge fan of True Grit in general, but there are aspects of the 2011 remake that I can appreciate, such as Jeff Bridges' delivery and the musical scoring in the "Cock your hands" sequence.

    Blazing Saddles has been on my radar for a year or two now, so I should probably try it one of these days.

    Thanks for participating!

    1. The original has more appeal to me. I tended to think that Jeff Bridges was trying to channel John Wayne throughout the remake rather than making it his own, but maybe that was just me.


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