Sunday, May 12, 2024

Announcement: MCU Sunday Postponed This Week

Dear Friends of Midnite Drive-In's MCU Sunday series-

Due to scheduling conflicts and other factors the expected MCU Sunday review of The Avengers: Infinity War has been postponed this week.  My plan is to catch up next week by doing both Infinity War  and The Avengers: Endgame in one review. 

Note: I know that the chronology will be slightly out of whack at that point, because, technically, the sequence should have Ant-Man and The Wasp, followed by Captain Marvel but I determined at the outset that I was going to follow Infinity War with Endgame at the outset, since it is basically one long movie divided into two films.

If all goes well this week I will be back on track next week.  Sorry for the disappointment.


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